Around the Middle East in 40 Days,

My adventure around 10 different countries in the Middle east. It is more meaningful to read this blog bottom up, rather then top down. This will make more sense as I develop my ideas along with my travel. N.B. Posts might be delayed, not only because of lack of connectivity, but also maybe till I move from the country I am visiting to the next. Just to be on the safe side :) However I must admit the major reason remains my habit of procrastination

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Everything has a price, INFORMATION remains priceless

I guess I discovered the great value of information when I came to Tunisia. Probably my limited interaction with government officials in Libya made Tunisia more striking then what I was used too. Is it because I am not Tunisian, I guess that might be adding too it. The government has too much control of everything, and when I chatted with anyone during my meetings I had the sense there was a preset scenario and everyone was watching what they were saying. Gave me the feeling I am like a CIA agent or something. When I talked to someone he would always direct me to the top guy in the organization, just to make sure he is clear from trouble. Compare this to Egypt where everyone looks for credit to himself, or the more relaxed Canada this was new to me. Mind you I was not asking about confidential information. It would take me about 5mins in the place and I can get most of the information I was asking about. Only the finer details would be missing. Add this to both the cops story and the closed internet, and you have a very uncomforting visit.


Blogger Vicki said...

Or maybe you're like James Bond (the Sean Connery version, of course). ;>

8:35 PM  

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