Around the Middle East in 40 Days,

My adventure around 10 different countries in the Middle east. It is more meaningful to read this blog bottom up, rather then top down. This will make more sense as I develop my ideas along with my travel. N.B. Posts might be delayed, not only because of lack of connectivity, but also maybe till I move from the country I am visiting to the next. Just to be on the safe side :) However I must admit the major reason remains my habit of procrastination

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Resistance all the way

I am personally not a fan of Hizballah, and always though of violence as the way of the weak. As humans, we should have the ability to understand and communicate and reach a "civilized" agreement (although I am having my doubts now about civilized when it is associated with nations that have no human feelings). However, as events unfold I find myself supporting the only choice left which is resistance, resistance to bullying, and unfairness. Resistance seems to be presenting itself as the only way to fight the feeling of deprival and helplessness that nations have felt for so long. Hizballah has successfully defeated Isreal in Lebanon in 2000 and continues to present itself as the only positive in recent years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salamo Alikoum
Fully agree with you

You have to know we are in JUNLGE, and it is the Jungle law. Survive for the strongest one only, no place for the weak people.

Specially when the ENEMY is Israel.
7'aly el sela7 sa7y , 3adeouna 3'adar

3:12 PM  

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