Around the Middle East in 40 Days,

My adventure around 10 different countries in the Middle east. It is more meaningful to read this blog bottom up, rather then top down. This will make more sense as I develop my ideas along with my travel. N.B. Posts might be delayed, not only because of lack of connectivity, but also maybe till I move from the country I am visiting to the next. Just to be on the safe side :) However I must admit the major reason remains my habit of procrastination

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I am disappointed with myself being in Egypt now

I have been disappointed with myself for thinking about the football game early next week as I watch the news about Lebanon, how have I turned to be so sallow and selfish. What can we do as individuals to help in this situations. Waiting for governments to act will be a stupid choice really. We need to come up with ideas. Personally I will be planning a trip once the roads are back and Lebanon is accessible once more to do anything to help. Until then there must be something we can do, other then simple notions of protest. Even that simple activity has not happened and people seem to be focusing on their tan rather than their lives here. It is disappointing to say the least.


Blogger Vicki said...

And I'm upset that I'm here. I mean, I'm safe. I'm grateful. But my heart is aching for Lebanon--for my family, for that place I knew I would love even more when I lived there longer.

I will get there again. I will teach there. I will live there. I've promised myself.

6:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salamo alikoum

Once again what is the bond between u and Lebanon? Why Lebanon exactly?
Enhar we e3teref.... welzaem tenhar abl lama te3terf

3:05 PM  

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